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Ailm is a mobile app for sufferers of binge eating disorder (BED) to reduce binge eating by offering virtual environments that allow users to confront stimuli that trigger binge eating episodes. This project was completed as my graduate thesis for a M.S in UX Design at Virginia Commonwealth University.
Ailm provides a safe way for BED patients to expose themselves to triggering stimuli, track their recovery progress, and build community and support with other BED sufferers.
Sep. 2020 - Nov. 2020 (2 months)
Allison (myself)
Figma, Cinema 4D, After Effects, Illustrator, Final Cut Pro, Invision
Binge eating originates as a response to people feeling triggered in high stress situations
How might I help sufferers of BED feel control during these stressful times and overcome binge eating?
Ailm, a mobile app that helps users confront their binge eating triggers in a safe environment.
Ailm encourages sustainable behavior change around stress coping through goal setting, support networking, and progress reports.
Add pre-made or custom goals to the home screen for daily motivation and validation of small wins towards recovery.
See where most triggers occur, trends in confronting triggers, and comparisons over time.
Pick a stress inducing scenario and virtually confront triggers with provided strategies.
How do BED sufferers feel about recovering from binge eating disorder?
To start my initial research, I sent out a survey targeting BED patients early in their recovery stage and received 25 responses. Together with secondary resources research and competitive product analysis, I was trying to learn more about the BED recovery process and what makes BED sufferers feel helpless about it.
What is the current binge eating disorder recovery process experience?
To build empathy with my users, I conducted a journey map to figure out the current experience of BED patients attempting to overcome their eating disorder.
Enters binge triggering environment
Feels ready to start recovery
Feels a loss of control
Binge eats to cope with stress
Feels hopeless and discouraged
Repeats cycle
"I know I am going to binge eat the second I step into a restaurant but I have no way of controlling myself"
- interviewed user
What are the main challenges BED sufferers face in their recovery?
After initial research, I decided to synthesize my research through affinity mapping to determine the main user pain points and organize my findings.
BED sufferers don't know how to overcome stimuli that trigger binge eating episodes, and lack a support network
How might I help the user from feeling isolated and a loss of control in stressful environments, and stop repeating the binge cycle?
Users feel a loss of control in certain environments. These places often center around food such as restaurants, holiday gatherings, cafeterias.
Users feel discouraged. Progress is viewed as being only linear- users feel there is no hope or point in recovery.
No way to see improvement in recovery. Seeing an improvement in binge eating leads to less stress and guilt, which thus reduces stress induced binge eating.
Users feel isolated- which leads to more binge eating. Due to guilt and shame, most sufferers do not seek out help.
My goal was to build a solution that helps BED sufferers overcome and understand their binge triggers, and provides support and positivity.
I revisited the user's four main pain points to determine what my main user needs were
Exploring far out ideas
I conducted crazy 8's and sketched around 15 off-wall ideas including: a chat bot to walk the user through triggers, and a wearable that warns the user when they feel panicked. I wanted to flesh out any ideas that could help solve my 4 main user painpoints.
Final solution: A virtual practice tool with strategies to overcome binge triggers, a forum space to connect with others, progress analytics, and goal setting.
User flow
Low fidelity wireframe
From my sketches, I narrowed down to the minimum viable product by repeatedly checking back with my primary features and validating my concepts with some of my previous research interviewees.
To make sure the user flow and interactions made sense before moving into high fidelity screens, users were asked to complete two tasks 1) add a goal and 2) view progress analytics for a scenario. Based on the feedback, I made some changes to the language, interactions, and structure of my design.
Goal setting- seeing it right on home screen
Progress comparisons over time
Ability to connect with others
Feels "calm" and "friendly"
Way to make goals customizable
More inspiration "such as quotes"
Break down of analytics of each scenario
UI design
I wanted a clean, trustworthy, and friendly look because of the sensitivity and emotion surrounding BED. To achieve this, I incorporated lighthearted illustrations as well as gradients and rounded buttons.
My design centers around the color purple, which represents peace, strength, and compassion.
I chose the name "Ailm" for my app. Ailm is the Celtic symbol derived from the letter “A” of the Celtic Ogham alphabet. Ailm represents strength, endurance, resilience, and healing. The logo, an origami crane, represents peace and happiness. I want my user to feel all of these qualities when working toward their binge eating recovery.
Final mockups
Next Steps
Next Steps
There are multiple directions that this app concept can scale to. When I began this journey, I assumed the scope would focus on dieting or self image- not stress or emotional triggers.
Some future directions I hope to take for this app:
Build a web version
Add a messaging feature for users to connect
Add a feature for physicians to walk through the simulations with patients and view their progress
Consider AR virtual environments
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